Thursday, July 5, 2012

SO much CUTE!

I day I'll be a decent blogger....

But, for now, LOOK at this kickstarter project...Kim from Oborocharms is trying to raise some funds so she can keep producing her ADORABLE owl plushies.  I'll be sending a little bit of money her way on payday just because I love her stuff!  Plus, if you donate, you get a free gift, come on now!  Support the crafters/small business/makers of adorable things!

Owl Plushie KickStarter!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A New Hobby?

Okay, so, it's not really a new hobby, since I've been a doll collector for years. Ever since my step-mom gave me the first "Happy Holiday Barbie" I've been a fan of collectible dolls. I used to limit it to Barbies, but then I branched out into other, random dolls. A few years ago, I discovered Jun Planning dolls...Pullips, and the like. I LOVE them. I've got several and I don't think I'll ever get rid of the few that I have left at this time. I've also got a herd of Monster High dolls, some Liv dolls, 12 inch Sideshow figures, and a few more than I'm probably forgetting.

When I first got involved in Pullips, I never thought I'd spend more than $100 on a doll. Then I ran across pics of Asian Ball-Joint dolls. *drool* OMG, some of them are so gorgeous, but I never thought about getting one. Well, never REALLY thought about it. A couple of weeks ago, I caved and bought a Fairyland Puki Puki...and I'm in love. OMG, she's adorable!

Now, I'm fully-involved in a BJD forum, I'm in the process of paying for my first SD-sized doll, and I have an ever-growing want list. The prospect of customizing them is appealing, though I'm terrified to take a paintbrush to anything, so it'll take a LONG time for that to happen. I'm definitely excited to get my hands on my new boy though, I can't wait to try my hand at re-stringing, wig-changing, and eye-swapping.

Anyway, so, there we go. New hobby! YAY!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Times

FINALLY! On January 13th, exactly 8 months after our wedding day, my husband is a permanent resident of the US!! SO excited to finally be living in the same's fantastic. Also, my general outlook on life has greatly improved with his arrival in the country, so things are starting to really look up. I've decided that I'm going to keep this blog up to date, probably post once a week or so, and use it to ramble about my awesome hobbies. My life isn't all that interesting, but I have the hobbies of a 9-year-old girl and the paycheck of a 30-year-old woman, so fun things happen! Expect to see lots of rambling about toys, video games, comic books, etc...hopefully I can keep some people's interest for a little while. I think it'll be nice to have another female input when it comes to comic books and video games. It can be a little hard for newcomers to navigate the boy-centric world of the comic shop/game store!

So yeah, that's it for now, but within the next few days I'll be picking it up again. I got a ton of new stuff for Christmas, so get ready! ^_^